How do I set up packages?

In this article we will show you how to create a new appointment package to sell to your clients. These packages can be used as discount packages or subscriptions

1. Go to _Menu_  on the top left of your screen

2. Click on _Settings_ 


3. Click on _Packages_

4. Click on _ New_

FAQ Packages 1

5. Fill in your package name and package descriptions

6. Click on _Select your package type_

For package type: Stamps (Time for Time)

7. Fill in the recommended price and the actual price

Recommended price = Price before discount (optional)

Actual price = Price client has to pay

8. Select your currency

9. Select  _start date_  type and date (This is the date from which moment the package can be used)

10. Select a  _valid_ type and date (This is how long or until when the package can be used)

FAQ Packages 2

For Package type: Subscription limited & subscription unlimited

11. Select a max number of lessons and period (limited) or select the number of bookings in advance (unlimited)

12. Fill in a recommended price (*optional)

13. Fill in a actual price 

14. Select _available for client_ enable or disable availability for clients

15. Select  _start date_  type and date (This is the date from which moment the package can be used)

16.Select a  _valid_ type and date (This is how long or until when the package can be used)

FAQ Packages 3

17. Click on  _Save_  to save your package

18. Fill in the terms & conditions of the package (*optional)

19. Click on _ Save_ to save the terms and conditions

FAQ Package 4